Black Masterbatch

BS Masterbatch has adopted the latest technology and offers extensive range of black masterbatch procured by the finest raw materials to its customers spanning across industries.
Masterbatches manufacturing is a process that combines several small quantities of additives into one larger batch. This process makes it easier to store and use the additives in future production runs. masterbatches are blends of reinforcing agents, such as fibers, fillers and biodegradable plastics, or other chemicals such as dyes or UV blockers, that can be added to the main polymer at a factory that specializes in creating masterbatches. These additives are often cheaper when purchased in large volumes as additive masterbatches.
Specific details about black masterbatch
Additionally, using black masterbatch reduces the risk of contamination from trace amounts of chemicals found in most raw materials. There are many types of masterbatches with different applications. Our masterbatches are made from fine particles of carbon black which are non-toxic, offer excellent light absorption and better surface coverage to help achieve darker shades while maintaining clarity of the final product. These masterbatches can be used on plastic engineering and universal base for added processing power. It is also used for adding specific properties such as UV protection, food-grade safety, etc.